This Week At Fruit Cove

Check back here often to find out what’s happening this week, next week, and into the future at Fruit Cove! 

Passage of the Week

We continue our journey through the Gospel of John and encourage you to read the passage of the week. Invite family members to read it with you as we focus on The Jesus Encounter

3:16 Sunday

John 3:16 is perhaps the most well-known Bbile verse, encapsulating the very essence of the gospel. On Sunday, March 16 (3/16), we will come together for worship to intentionally share the good news of Jesus Christ. Be thinking and praying about who God would have you invite to worship that day. Many of our neighbors, co-workers, classmates, relatives, and friends have never heard a clear presentation of the gospel. Those who are at Fruit Cove on 3/16 will!

Thank You Richard!

Celebrating 30 years of Richard Spangler’s commitment to Upward Basketball! From Saturday stories around our family dinner table to inspiring the next generation, his impact is profound. Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do for our community and family. You’re a true legend in our eyes!

No MidWeek

Heads up, Fruit Cove family! Just a reminder that we will not have our usual Midweek services on Wednesday, March 19. Enjoy your Spring Break, and we’ll see you back soon! Stay safe and have a wonderful time with your loved ones.

Tuesday Evening Fellowship & Golf

We’re having our “Tuesday Evening Fellowship and Golf” at South Hampton again this year. We’ll start Tuesday, March 25th, and run through Tuesday, October 28th.

The cost remains the same as last year: $29.00, which includes a complimentary basket of range balls. We have three tee times: 5:03, 5:12, and 5:21. Arrive a little early to hit some warmup balls and then gather for praise, prayer, and pairing up before we play. After golf, many of us go to get something to eat and more fellowship.

Ladies Night of Worship

Calling all ladies for a night of faith and fellowship! Join us on March 28 at 6:30 PM for scripture readings and inspiring worship led by Ascension Worship. Doors open at 6 PM in the Worship Center. Stay for dessert and connect in Bldg A at 8 PM. “…called out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9. We can’t wait to see you there!

Crossover Weekend

Calling all 3rd to 5th graders! Join us April 4-5, 2025, for Crossover Weekend. This year’s theme is “A Friend for Life!” Dive into awesome sessions on friendship, like choosing wisely and being there in tough times. Get ready for an unforgettable journey of faith and fun!

Serving Opportunities

We’ve posted several new ways you can serve at Fruit Cove on our volunteer page. Check out the Serving Opportunities page for the latest, including Caregivers Support Group and In His Image.

2025 Family Worship

The following Sundays will serve as Family Worship days with services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM, no Connect Groups:

  • March 16
  • April 20
  • May 25
  • June 15
  • July 6
  • August 31
  • November 30
  • December 28
  • January 4 (2026)*

Join Our Team

Communications Manager: We are seeking an innovative, creative, and engaging Communications Manager who will help to share the good news of Jesus and the God-sized story of Fruit Cove Baptist Church. For details and a job description, please click below.

Giving Update

January YTD Results:
$840 Surplus (Giving Exceeded Spending)

Click Here to Give

  • January Financials
    • January Budget Giving: $ 369,306
    • Budget Needed: $ 438,655
    • Difference: $ 69,349 (15.8 % behind budget need)
  • Year to Date Financials
    • YTD Budget Giving: $ 369,306 (excludes designated giving for expenses)
    • YTD Budget Needed: $ 438,655 ($69,349, 15.8% behind budget)
    • YTD Actual Spend: $ 368,466
    • YTD Expand 2025:  $ 7,870
    • YTD Land: $ 27,140

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