The first five years of life are the most important in the development of a child – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It is during those years that a foundation of faith is being laid in the life of each child at Fruit Cove Baptist Church.
Preschoolers, birth-kindergarten, participate in Bible-learning activities, using LifeWay’s Bible Teaching for Kids resources.
HELP! Make a difference in the life of preschoolers by teaching. There are opportunities available on Sundays at both 9:30 and 11:00. Contact Meghan at 287-0996 or to learn more!
Kindergartners worship at 11am through fun music, videos, learning life application and doing arts and crafts.
Children love to sing and make a joyful noise. Choirs are offered for Threes, Fours, and Kindergarteners. Check in at the Preschool Welcome Desk (1st floor ROC Bldg) for your child’s room location.
TeamKID is designed for Kids in Discipleship! It features Bible memory games and application of Bible truths, engaging missions videos and activities, and fun activity-based learning all while helping your kids grow to be more like Jesus. TeamKID classes are offered for Twos, Threes, Fours, and Kindergarteners. Check in at the Preschool Welcome Desk (1st floor ROC Bldg) for your child’s room location.
Parenting Classes are offered during the school year as part of the church’s Wednesday night discipleship program.
New series beginning in the Fall. Click here for more info
First Time Participant Meeting will be Wednesday, April 23rd at 6pm in ROC-123.
Commissioning is for families who have recently added to their family through birth or adoption. This event will be during the 9:30 and 11:00 services on Sunday, May 4th. Registration for this event is required.
Register to become an *adult* volunteer by clicking the link below.
VBS Adult Volunteer Registration
Register to become a *student* volunteer by clicking the link below.
Babies – 4yrs old and Homeschool thru 5th Grade)
Childcare is limited.
(One time cost of $50 per child. More children, $150.00 cap on cost)
Mom to Mom Begins Thursday, September 12th
9:30am – 12:00pm – ROC Fellowship Hall
Please register your children, ages 8 weeks through kindergarten, for the new church year.
We offer preschool programing for babies-two year olds from 6-7:30pm.
We offer TeamKid and Preschool Music for three year olds – Kindergarten from 6-7:30pm.
Questions: Please email
Beginning the journey of Partnering with Parents as they embrace the role of primary discipler of their children.
Welcome to Fruit Cove! We're excited to help you take your next step. Choose from the options below.