Communications Manager 

Full-Time Position

We are seeking an innovative, creative, and engaging Communications Manager who will help to share the good news of Jesus and the God-sized story of Fruit Cove Baptist Church. Candidates for this role will have a passion for helping the church reach and engage our community while simultaneously guiding clear and consistent communication within the church family. This role requires someone who is forward-thinking and eager to do whatever it takes to reach this generation for Christ!

To request the full position description or to apply, please email: resume@fruitcove.com

Pastor of Worship

Full-Time Position

Fruit Cove is seeking a dynamic Pastor of Worship who has a shepherd’s heart, an innovator’s spirit, and a passion for leading people into the presence of the Lord. The ideal candidate will love the Lord wholeheartedly, his family relentlessly, and the church sincerely. Fruit Cove is a growing and vibrant faith community that desires a leader who models whole-life worship and who can help us do whatever it takes to reach this generation for Christ!

To request the full position description or to apply, please email: resume@fruitcove.com

St. Johns County, FL

As one of the fastest-growing counties in both Florida and the United States, St Johns County a current estimated population of 306,841. 

Every year we see thousands of families move to the county from across the nation and the world. Some estimates place county population at 500,000 within the next 25 years.

The community of Fruit Cove is in the northwest corner of St. Johns County, directly south of the city of Jacksonville. The community has seen rapid growth in recent years making it one of the most desirable parts of the metro Jacksonville area. One of the main factors to fuel this growth is the fact that our public school system is second to none. St Johns County Schools have been rated the #1 district in the state for years, drawing young families from around the nation. Outdoor recreation is a key benefit of living in this area. From spending time at the beach to boating on the river there are many options to choose from.

Fruit Cove Baptist Church is a church that loves its community and is known as a serving church. We are a church that is committed to the Word of God, the Worship of God, the Mission of God, the Family of God and the Glory of God. The church is consistently in the top 10% of giving to the Cooperative Program, Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, and Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Mission partnerships with nearly 50 church plants and ministry organizations locally, nationally and globally see hundreds of people engaged in short term mission trips annually. Dr Tim Maynard served as Lead Pastor for 31 years until his retirement. In June 2023, Dr Heath Woolman came to serve as new Lead Pastor.

Our Worship Services

We currently have 3 Sunday morning worship services in 2 on-campus venues. A 9:30 and 11am service takes place in the Worship Center while a 9:30 service occurs in Bldg A. The Bdlg A venue features a live worship band, and the sermon is streamed onto the big screen.

What is it Like to Attend a Service?

Our worship services are designed to encourage congregants to experience God. Elements of welcome, singing, prayer, and scripture reading are included each Sunday. For the latest worship service video click here.

What Makes Fruit Cove Unique?

From preschoolers to senior adults and everyone else in between, Fruit Cove is a growing multigenerational church. Another unique factor is our Discipleship Pathway. Through our intentional approach, Fruit Cove continues to see increased engagement in that while some churches are seeing a decline in things like Sunday School and Wednesday night programming, these small group opportunities are actually growing at Fruit Cove and serve as the backbone of the church. Our Sunday morning small groups are called Connect Groups and multiple small group opportunities are available at MidWeek on Wednesdays.

What Is Our History?

In 1978, when a small group of Baptists began meeting in homes in the Fruit Cove area, State Road 13 was a quiet, scenic, two-lane highway. As State Road 13 has changed, so has the church which grew from the original band of believers.

Members who were a part of that first fellowship group fondly remember meeting in the Switzerland Volunteer Fire Department, after the group outgrew its members’ homes. “It was a spiritually growing experience, but we had some hardships as well,” acknowledged charter member Sue Bailey. “I remember that we froze in the winter and fried in the summer; and rain on the tin roof overpowered any preacher’s voice.”

The growing fellowship became Fruit Cove Baptist Mission under the sponsorship of Southside Baptist Church in Jacksonville. The mission formally constituted as a church in March 1983, and called its first full-time pastor, Archer Thorpe. The congregation also bought nine acres of land along State Road 13.

The church’s first building was completed in 1982, and an educational building was added three years later. The 15,000-square-foot-fan-shaped worship center was dedicated April 6, 1997, the 19th anniversary of the first meeting in the Switzerland fire station.

On the occasion of the dedication of the worship center, Pastor Tim Maynard stated that the occasion was “a great day for us. But there will be many more. We do not see this building as an end product. We are at the beginning, not the end.”

The “great days” of Fruit Cove Baptist Church continue. On July 20, 2003, the church dedicated our ROC (Reaching Our Community) Family Life Building. This 18,000-square-foot building accommodates our preschool, youth, and some adult Sunday School classrooms. The gym is used by the SportsLife programs as well as the community during our open gym times. During the week, our Weekday Preschool uses the first floor facilities.
Over the years, Fruit Cove Baptist Church has continued to grow and expand its campus. In 2024, the church broke ground on an expansion to the parking lot and began the process of building a new outdoor recreation pavilion. 

Where Are We Going?

The church recently voted to purchase 19+acres in the fastest growing part of the county, about a 20 minute drive south from our main campus in Fruit Cove. Our desire is to see a vibrant, gospel-centered ministry in that community. Join us as we begin praying and dreaming about what God would have us do to reach this area with the Gospel. We also have some exciting opportunities on our main campus. With new families coming to the church we need to create additional space for ministry.

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