Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, September 7 @ 8:30am
ROC Fellowship Hall
Just show up!
Purpose/Goals: The focus of this ministry is on men of all seasons and stages of life who are looking to grow spiritually and develop meaningful relationships with other Christian men and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Since 2010, Radical Mentoring has mentored over 14,000 men through over 400 churches through over 2,000 mentor groups. Of those 14,000 men, 96% say their walk with the Lord improved. 95% say they experienced authentic Christian community, many for the first time. 90% say that their marriage relationship improved – the divorce rate among those who have gone through the program is 2.5% nationally.
Meetings are once a month. Mentors work with 3-6 men a couple of seasons in life behind them and mentor them through this program for 9-12 months. Activities include assigned reading and focused discussions, memorizing verses, a growth assignment each month and accountability discussions.
We are looking for men who are potential leaders, open minded in search of direct feedback, malleable and capable of change, humble and hungry for personal growth, committed followers of Jesus Christ, and men who are willing to pay it forward and influence the next generations coming up behind them. Our next Radical Mentoring groups will launch in late summer/early fall this year.
To apply for the next season of Radical Mentoring go to Radical Mentoring Registration
For More Information Contact: Jason Hodges Mobile: (904) 476-5956; Email:
Qualifications to register for a D-group. You must be: 1) Faithful to reading and memorizing scripture, 2) Available to meet weekly for 12-18 months, and 3) Trainable, with a desire to grow spiritually. Please pray in Christ Jesus about what role God wants you to play in this vital part of our mission to grow into the image of Christ and make disciples for Him.
Point(s) of Contact: Mike Spell, Tod Doane and Chris Norris. Mike Spell: Mobile: (479) 445-7386; Email: Tod Doane: Mobile: (904) 254-3286; Email: Chris Norris: Mobile: (904) 312-2078. Email:
The Men’s Ministry wants to equip men to have that “real and vibrant” relationship with Jesus so that they can be the spiritual leaders of their families, impact the marketplace and provide a legacy beyond their own lifetime.
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