About Us


We believe that the most important decision anyone will ever make is what they believe about Jesus. We believe that Jesus Christ provides the only way through which we can have peace with God. If you are undecided about Christ, please take a few minutes to carefully consider the information here.

Our basic biblical beliefs are explained in The Baptist Faith and Message, adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention on June 14, 2000. View the current edition of The Baptist Faith & Message.

Our Strategy

What are we doing? Making Disciples

In keeping with Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8 and II Corinthians 5:18-19, we are:

Making disciples who think, feel and act like Jesus.

Why are we making disciples?

Aside from the Biblical mandate, our desire to make disciples is driven by four commitments. We are committed to:

  • Our Communitythe community that is our church body as well as the geographic area in which we live, work and play.
  • The BibleGod’s inspired word gives us  answers to the big questions of our lives.
  • The Family from youngest to eldest, the biblical model of family is key to the success of those around us.
  • CaringFruit Cove has a deep commitment to caring for one another and those around us.

How are we making disciples?

  • Celebrate in Worship – Worshipping with one another – Entering into His presence to encounter him together and express our praise Him.
  • Connect with God’s Word, His People and His Mission (Reach, Teach and Minister) –– To get clear insight into God’s design for life and living, to know, and care for one another.
    • D-Groups – Growing with one another Discipleship pathway – Thinking and acting like Jesus on a moment by moment basis.
    • Ministry Teams – Meeting needs of one another through ministry.
    • Leadership Development – Leading by serving one another.
  • Carry the Gospel to all people, wherever we go.

When are we successful?

When we think, feel and act like Jesus, we…

recognize and respond

to God’s will and work

on a moment by moment basis.

Simply put, our strategy is to learn to discern how God would have us respond to the challenges around us and obey His direction continuously and help other do the likewise.


What does it mean that you are Southern Baptist?

Fruit Cove Baptist Church is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention. But what does that mean to you? One of the most important things is that 10% of every dollar given to our Budget goes to the Cooperative Program. The Cooperative Program was created in 1925 to fund the common goal of Southern Baptist to share the gospel with every person on the planet. Funding through the Cooperative Program supports Children’s Homes, Missionaries, New church starts, Children’s camps, Disaster Relief, Six Seminaries. Through the Cooperative Program, we support 5,100 missionaries working with more than 1,170 different people groups in the world, 5,153 missionaries are working in North America to start new churches, 7 locations of the Florida Baptist Children’s Home, 3rd largest Disaster Relief provider in the nation, AIDS victims in Africa since 1980s. By giving to the budget fund of the Fruit Cove Baptist Church, you too are having a part in the work of Southern Baptist everywhere.

What do Southern Baptists Believe?

It also means that we have adopted the beliefs of the Southern Baptist Convention as it relates to Scripture and its authority, the purpose of the church, how a person becomes a Christian, and who Jesus is; fully God and fully man. Click here to see a copy of the Baptist Faith and Message which outlines these and other beliefs and gives supporting scripture references.

What should I wear?

What you wear is entirely up to you. You will see people dressed in shorts and others in suits and ties. If we had to generalize, most wear “resort casual.” But come what you are comfortable in!

Where do I park?

Visitor and handicap parking is located along Building A (1-story building) as you enter on the north side of the campus next to Starbucks.   Visitor, handicap and expectant mother parking is available on the south side of the ROC (3-story building). Parking is available in front of the Annex (behind Starbucks, next to office). Click HERE to see a map of the campus.

Where do I take my kids?

We have Bible studies for all ages of children at both worship times. Click here to see a map of the campus.

  • Preschoolers: Check in at the 1st floor of the ROC (only 3 story building on the campus). They will let you know which class is right for your preschoolers and show you how to get there. At the class you will have an opportunity to meet 1 of your child’s teachers and pick up a beeper so we can contact you in case of an emergency.
  • Children: Children can attend Children’s Worship at 9:30.  It starts off in Bldg B in their graded classroom, followed by a fast paced, fun corporate worship time for everyone.  It wraps up back in the classroom with fun activities to reinforce the lesson.  At 11:00 we offer Sunday School.  Our children’s classes are by grade and co-ed. You can check in at the Children’s Welcome Center located in the 2 story building – Bldg B for your child’s exact location.
  • Youth: Classes for our high school and middle school students are offered at 11:00 pm only. Middle School meets on the 3rd floor of the ROC (only 3 story building on the campus). As soon as you get off the elevator, let them know you are a guest and they will direct you to your class.   High School meets in the Studio – 2nd floor above the church offices.  Enter the stairway across from Burger King.
What type of services do you have?

We have 2 services at 9:30 am and 11:00 am in the Worship Center.  We also offer a worship service at 9:30 am in Bldg A-100 where the sermon is live-streamed. 

What happens besides Worship on Sunday?

Corporate worship takes place in the large auditorium on the main campus called the Worship Center (clever!). Pastor Heath teaches the congregation and we join in the worship by singing. But there are also small group Bible studies, we call Connect Groups,  that happen both hours as well. We have small groups for young adults through senior adults, college students, preschoolers, elementary kids, middle school and high school students. The best place to start to find a small group for you on Sundays is at the Welcome Center outside the Worship Center.

What version of the Bible do you use?

Our pastors may reference several different Bible translations when they preach.  Pastor Heath primarily uses the CSB (Christian Standard Bible). For our Adult Bible Study classes, it is the decision of the teacher although most use the Christian Standard, English Standard or New King James versions.

How do I join?

At the end of each service a public invitation is given at which you can become a member of our church family in one of the following ways…

  • By profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, to be followed by believer’s baptism (immersion).
  • By promise of letter from another Southern Baptist church where you are now a member. Our church will write for your letter.
  • By statement of your prior conversion and baptism in another Christian church or as a candidate for baptism.

The basis of authentic church membership comes through trusting Jesus Christ as one’s personal Lord and Savior. If you would like to know more about the Christian life or if you have any other questions regarding church membership, please feel free to e-mail our pastoral staff.

Where’s the office?

The office is located behind Starbucks. The front door is off the street that runs between the main church campus and Starbucks. All the staff offices are located in this building. The office hours are Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 5:00 pm; Fridays 8:30 – 1:00 pm.

What’s our history?

In 1978, when a small group of Baptists began meeting in homes in the Fruit Cove area, State Road 13 was a quiet, scenic, two-lane highway. As State Road 13 has changed, so has the church which grew from the original band of believers.

Members who were a part of that first fellowship group fondly remember meeting in the Switzerland Volunteer Fire Department, after the group outgrew its members’ homes. “It was a spiritually growing experience, but we had some hardships as well,” acknowledged charter member Sue Bailey. “I remember that we froze in the winter and fried in the summer; and rain on the tin roof overpowered any preacher’s voice.”

The growing fellowship became Fruit Cove Baptist Mission under the sponsorship of Southside Baptist Church in Jacksonville. The mission formally constituted as a church in March 1983, and called its first full-time pastor, Archer Thorpe. The congregation also bought nine acres of land along State Road 13.

The church’s first building was completed in 1982, and an educational building was added three years later. The 15,000-square-foot-fan-shaped worship center was dedicated April 6, 1997, the 19th anniversary of the first meeting in the Switzerland fire station.

On the occasion of the dedication of the worship center, Pastor Tim Maynard stated that the occasion was “a great day for us. But there will be many more. We do not see this building as an end product. We are at the beginning, not the end.”

The “great days” of Fruit Cove Baptist Church continue. On July 20, 2003, the church dedicated our ROC (Reaching Our Community) Family Life Building. This 18,000-square-foot building accommodates our preschool, youth, and some adult Sunday School classrooms. The gym is used by the Upward Sports program as well as the community during our open gym times. During the week, our Weekday Preschool uses the first floor facilities.

Renovations were completed in October on our Children’s Building. And the building continues. In May of 2005, the church will begin its next phase of construction with expansion to our Worship Center and parking lots.

As the community of Fruit Cove grows, the church is committed to growing to meet its needs. The congregation of more than 2,100 is following God’s leadership in fulfilling its stated purpose: Fruit Cove Baptist Church exists equip the people, engage the culture, and embrace the world

What’s our Constitution and By-Laws?

Our Constitution and By-laws are available here to download.  If you have any questions related to these documents, you can contact the church office during regular business hours.


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