Operation Christmas Child Box Distribution


occ_logoIt’s time for Operation Christmas Child!

On Sunday, October 18 and 25, we’ll be distributing boxes from the Welcome Center patio after all morning services. Last year was a banner year as we collected 815 boxes from FCBC members to send all over the world.

Each year, many ask “What do we put in a shoe box?” Here are a couple of places to get info that might help:

  • The Operation Christmas Child site has some helpful information, especially for girls and boys at various ages.
  • Another great source is a blog post entitled “Unsolicited Advice About Shoeboxes.” This is written by folks who serve in areas where boxes have been delivered and their insight in “Not So Good Gifts” is very helpful.

Remember to pickup your box and return it completed during the collection week of November 16-23.


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