My Father’s House

“My Father’s House shall be called a house of prayer….” Without question, this was one of the most passionate statements Jesus ever spoke. He punctuated that passion by driving out the merchants and money changers from the Court of the Gentiles which surrounded the temple in Jerusalem.

How far have we drifted from that passion? Is our church a house of prayer? That is a question I believe God has confronted me with time and again over the past two decades of ministry here.

Does prayer need a “higher profile” in the corporate life of our church? Absolutely. And in every church I know. So we have taken intentional steps through the years to continue to make Fruit Cove a “house of prayer.”

One of those steps involved the opening of a designated prayer room. The “War Room” as we have called it, invites pray-ers to come and, if possible, spend an hour in prayer. Materials in the room provide a way to spend far more time than that in the presence of the Lord.

It is a way that you can help fulfill the mandate to be a “house of prayer” on an ongoing basis. I long for a day when we would have so many clamoring to get in that a second room would be necessary!

But a “house of prayer” is just a building without praying people. How is prayer going in YOUR house? We must continually examine ourselves to see prayer become more than a ritual; more than even a habit… but an essential part of our daily living.

Jesus asks for nothing less. We must “pray without ceasing,” especially as the days grow darker and more evil. “Pray, and do not grow weary.” Let’s be a house of prayer!


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