Category: Pastor Tim’s Blog

A Prescription for Anxiety

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

Matthew 6:25-34 ESV

  1. Read twice daily:  Once in the morning and once in the evening.
  2. Read it to your children.  Every day.
  3. If you choose to watch the media, read before and after each broadcast.
  4. Believe what you read.  This is God’s Word.
  5. ‘Nuff said.

A word from Pastor Tim regarding the Coronavirus

Fruit Cove family, we are aware of and up to date with the precautions and measures we should take to be a clean, healthy, and safe campus in light of the Coronavirus. We care deeply about our guests and our church family. We have an opportunity to show our neighbors and the world what it means to live our lives trusting God and not in fear. To our knowledge no member or attender of Fruit Cove has been diagnosed with the Coronavirus, and our prayers are with the 14 Florida residents that have. Our plan is to gather every Sunday and Wednesday (per our schedule), unless there are extraordinary circumstances. Here are a couple of simple notes about the Coronavirus in regard to what we are doing and what we are asking of you:

  • Stay home if you are sick. Watch Fruit Cove online at or Facebook!
  • If you have been exposed to anyone with the coronavirus, the flu, or any other contagious condition please stay home for 14 days (per the CDC).
  • If you have recently traveled to China, Iran, Italy, or South Korea please stay home to watch your symptoms 14 days (per the CDC).
  • We are instituting the “fist bump” as the official greeting on campus. No more “right hand of fellowship” handshakes until this situation clears. For reference and a lesson in proper technique see the Sunday morning message from March 8 at
  • Our Facilities Team will continue to make sure our campus is clean and ready for use. This includes a plan for regular sanitization.
  • Beginning this Sunday we will be sanitizing highly touched surfaces before and after every service such as doors, handles, tables, water fountains, check-in stations, and sinks. This includes a heavy focus on our preschool and kids ministry areas.
  • Offering time will be moved to the very end of the worship service where congregants will be able to give their tithes and offerings as they exit.
  • Our staff and volunteer teams will wash their hands frequently and will stay home if they are sick.
  • We will be providing additional hand sanitizer stations around campus for everyone to use. These will be located in ministry area welcome centers and The Pavilion.
  • We need to remember that followers of Jesus do not need to live in fear. He has power over all things, and we are eternally secure.
  • Our calling is to love our neighbor, whether they are sick or healthy.
  • Pray for God’s mercy and wisdom for US and global leaders as they deal with the crisis.

 In conversations with the International Mission Board and our church planting partners on the ground in London we have decided to postpone the HS Senior mission trip to London. This was a hard decision to make but we feel it is the right decision. You can read the full IMB statement here

At this time we are evaluating that status of planned trips to Jersey City, Miami and Puerto Rico over Spring Break. We will continue to maintain contact with our partners on the ground and unless our partners think it is not safe for us to come, the state of Florida recommends no travel, or the US State Department issues a travel warning we will proceed with all trips as planned. Participants of these trips do have the option of cancelling by contacting the Missions Office at 904-287-0996.


  1. Don’t panic. Wash your hands. 20 seconds at least. A lot.
  2. Don’t watch/listen to the media. You might want to really limit your intake of Fox News and your favorite ABC or CNN news shows. You are keeping your mind and body on high alert because this stuff doesn’t stop 24/7. Use the time instead to pray for people around you. The time you would spend chewing your nails in front of the TV might better be used in a family Bible study!
  3. Adults…parents…your kids are watching you. If you panic, they’ll panic.  Answer questions they have if you can. Help them learn to access the Bible so they can calm themselves when everybody else is running around like Chicken Little. The truth really will set you… and them… free!
  4. Deal with your fears and anxiety head on. Don’t walk blindly into the devil’s den. He is the author of fear and a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour…and he’s already been snacking on some of you. Don’t give fear a foothold in your life. Ever. The enemy will exploit it every time.
  5. There is nothing contradictory to your faith or testimony in simple, wise preparation as that is needed. Just as you would do during a hurricane season, prepare for the possibility that the early stages of the virus may lead to short supplies and shutdowns. But don’t panic purchase. Think through what your household needs for an emergency. (Proverbs 27:12)
  6. Bear witness well to your faith. Be distinctive in your response to this. You have a God Who is real… a God Who is Sovereign… a God Who is watching over you. Sleep well tonight knowing that He’s got this!
  7. Trust the Lord with all your heart… and you’ll overcome the enemy’s assault… every time.

Joyful Praying

“…making my prayer with joy.”  (Philippians 1:4 ESV)
Is your prayer life joyful?  Is joy one of the first words that come to mind when you think about praying?  Or are the main words:
  • Drudgery
  • Duty
  • Boring
  • Rushed
  • Mechanical?
Many people find praying difficult or guilt-inducing rather than freeing and empowering and, well, joyful.  In Philippians 1, Paul shows us the secret to a joy-saturated experience with prayer.
One of the secrets to being a joyful Christian is learning to see our time of prayer, not as a hardship, but as time we hesitate to leave.  We are reconnecting our lives to the Lord of all Creation when we pray.  There is nothing of drudgery, or dullness, or boredom in that.
When we pray, our prayers should resonate with Heaven’s joy.  Yes, there are times we come to God in prayer with the sacrifice of our tears and pain.  Yet, the joy of the Lord should be our entry into His Presence…
… and the gift with which we leave.

Joy in Giving

During a visit to Korea, two American businessmen were surprised to see a young farmer hitched to a plow that was guided by his father. Later they learned that both father and son were Christians who sold their only ox to provide money for a new church building. “What a stupendous sacrifice!” said one of the businessmen. “Not really,” replied a missionary accompanying them. “They were only sorry they had but one ox to give to the Lord’s work.”

As Americans we often give what we can afford to Kingdom work, but only infrequently (if at all) give a gift that costs us dearly. Jesus commended the widow who came and gave “all that she had to live on” to the offering at the temple. Others gave out of what they had and still had plenty. What we don’t see is the look, not of austerity and suffering, but of joy since “the Lord loves a cheerful giver.”

Those who cannot imagine smiling while giving a sacrificial gift have never given one.
There is a joyfulness in generosity that getting and keeping cannot match. But the only way to know that joy…

…is to give.

The Fog of Anxiety

For more than 70% of us in America, anxiety is a choice.  It is a trickle of thought that now has cut a channel in our brain and thought process, and every thought flows into it.  It takes some effort to extract ourselves, even if you are a Christian.  It fogs our thinking.  The moisture required to create enough fog to shut down a city block or, as we learned tragically last weekend, to crash a helicopter, consists of less than two teaspoons of water.  Philippians 4:6-7 were the most highlighted verses recorded in Bible apps in 2019.  They give us a formula for clearing the fog of anxiety from our lives.

“Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which passes understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”      Philippians 4:6-7.

We must first REJOICE IN THE LORD.  We have to recalibrate how we find contentment, satisfaction, and even how we define happiness, and it begins here:  REJOICE IN THE LORD.  Rejoicing in the Lord presupposes that we KNOW Him.  Is that true for you?

The second thought is we must intentionally, even ruthlessly RELEASE OUR ANXIETY.  Some of us have a death grip on anxiousness.  And yet, it is a poisonous serpent that is killing US!  We just don’t know how to let it go.

Jesus addressed this very problem in Matthew 6… Jesus ends His approach by assuring us of this one thing:  God will provide the strength we need for ANYTHING life brings to us WHEN WE NEED IT but not before.  Like the Israelite’s gathering manna in the wilderness, they could only collect and keep enough for one day.  Then they had to depend on and TRUST IN the Lord to bring them their supply for the next day.  This is a principle that follows God’s dealing with people throughout the Bible.  Give us TODAY… THIS DAY… our daily bread.  It keeps our face turned toward God, and not our own strength to survive.

The third principle is this; we must make our REQUESTS KNOWN to God.  God wants us to pray!  He wants us to pray for everything… with THANKSGIVING.  “God I’m taking my child to the doctor today but I am making request to You to help the doctor find the right medicine or treatment.”  “God I have a meeting today with a prospective client… help me to have the right approach to gain their business.”  “Lord, I am lonely and need a husband or wife.  I am going on a date, but I’m asking You to lead me to know if this is a person You would want me to relate to.”  “God I’ve got a test today… lots of stuff on it I’m not sure I understand.”  Do you pray like that?  Is your prayer life vital, real, ongoing with God or is it just, “Oh by the way God, would you bless this or that?”  We are to “pray without ceasing.”  We are “in all things to give thanks and pray.”

And the fourth and final piece of the puzzle is to RENEW YOUR THINKING.  Let’s go back to a fundamental place:  Anxiety is a battle in our minds.  It’s about how we think, but also about what we think ABOUT.  Our thoughts sometimes make God much too small.  We make God smaller than He really is.  We make it seem as though God isn’t aware of our issues… or He isn’t smart enough to fix them… not strong enough to handle them… not big enough to know our future… not compassionate enough to care what we’re going through.  Yet Jesus said, “the very hairs of your head are numbered.”  How much time do you spend looking at yourself in the mirror fixing your hair?  Some of us don’t have to spend much.  But others do… a lot.  Yet as much time as you or your stylist spend looking at your hair, tell me how many hairs you have right now?

God cares about us… a lot!  The smallest details do not escape His notice.  He sees what you’re going through right now.  Can you trust the One Who knows you best… and loves you most?

Covetousness is Idolatry

Covetousness is idolatry (Colossians 3:5). The cure for covetousness is not tossing a few dollars in the offering each week. Like chopping down a tree, an idol has to be killed at the root. And one half-hearted swing of the axe doesn’t bring it down.

We need to make an intentional, deliberate, committed effort to kill the idol of materialism, and only faithful stewardship… giving rain or shine whether it’s convenient or not… will cure it.

I am more and more convinced that the only thing that will turn our hearts from hoarding and keeping our resources into hearts marked by generosity is a renewed vision of the cross of Christ.

“For you know the grace of the Lord Jesus Who, though He was (infinitely) rich, yet for your sake He became poor that we, through His poverty, might be made rich (eternally).” (2 Corinthians 8:9)

Only the reminder that our salvation was purchased at a horrible price, that our sins were washed white as snow in the avalanche of His grace flowing down from the cross; only THAT will be the motivation we need to become faithful stewards.

Captured by such a defining vision, Isaac Watts wrote, “Love so amazing, so Divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.” If we are holding back from faithfulness to God in this matter, it is simply an indication that our hearts have not been fully gripped by the depth of God’s love and sacrifice for us.

The answer… the remedy is not a guilt trip from a pastor. It is a Spirit-sent vision of the grace and mercy and love of God that flowed from Calvary. That’s what chokes the idol to death.

And that’s what turns us from idolaters into worshipers, and from worshipers into stewards as we gladly give “our soul, our life, our all” to Jesus!

Disciplining yourself for godliness

So as 2020 has begun and we have entered our first weeks of a brand new decade, I would imagine that many of us have already abandoned that first flush of determination to:

Lose weight
Stop a bad habit
Read more books and less internet
Clean out a cluttered closet/garage/shed/back porch
Learn a new language

All are great ideas, and any would add value to your life. However, there are some habits that we can incorporate for the new year that will change things eternally!

Read the Bible. All of it.
Prioritize church attendance
Begin a daily time of personal worship
Share your faith with someone
Start giving generously
Live obediently

Resolutions and good intentions will carry you so far: normally a week or two. Then we’re back on the binging train, reading snippets on Twitter, sleeping in rather than working out, or piling more clutter in the garage!

But “disciplining (training) yourself for godliness” (1 Timothy 4:7b ) requires something more than resolution and good intention. It requires time, a desire to live a life truly pleasing to the Lord, and a determination to be committed until it’s finished.

So will your new year, and new decade, begin by being marked by good intentions… or godly discipline. It’s your decision.

And it’s still not too late to begin!

Download the 12 Days of Chri

Happy New Year


And so, 2019 is now in the history books. A new year is upon us and not only a new year, but a new DECADE has begun! I think one of the reasons we celebrate New Years so vigorously is that something about it promises hope. Hope that the old truly has passed away. Hope that the dawning of 2020 will bring good things, and not heartache and hardship.

However, if we are placing our hope in a calendar change to wipe away the pain, bad decisions, and guilt of the past, we are grasping at a straw. And if our hope of a better year ahead is rooted in our own strength to keep promises and resolutions, well just rehearse last year’s good intentions and resolutions for a moment.

There is a way to have “old things” pass away, and to truly have ALL things made new. That way is to place our hope, not in our own efforts to do better and be better, but in placing our hope and trust in the One Who can truly make things new again.

In 2 Corinthians 5:17, we read, “If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things pass away and all things become new.” God is all about new beginnings and second chances. Our past can truly be in the past, forgiven and buried in forgetfulness. Our future can be securely rooted in a hope that will not let us down.

Start your New Year and your new decade in a way that truly brings transformation; through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, whose coming to earth we celebrated just over a week ago. He alone can bring the hope you need.

And if you ask, He will do it! You can start again when you pray the following prayer by faith:

Heavenly Father, I know my life has been destroyed by my own sin. I ask You to pardon and forgive my sins against You and against others. Please put my sin and selfishness behind me. I turn from it and turn to You by faith. Grant me new life and a new beginning as I trust in the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus on the cross. I believe He alone is my hope. Help me to walk with Him into 2020. In the name of Jesus I pray.



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