Advent Day 23 – When did Christmas Begin Part 2

“He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:2-3 ESV)

This One called “the Word” was in the “beginning before the beginning” with God.  The Second Person of the Trinity was not an afterthought on the part of the Father.  God exists as a UNITY, and co-exists as TRINITY.  Being expressed as TRINITY does not in any way compromise His UNITY.  God is One.

But deep in the counsel of eternity, the decision was made that this “Word” would be the One Who would enter time and the earth as an infant.  Again, Christmas and the plan of salvation are not reactionary events.  They were intentionally planned.  Carried out personally by “the Logos,” (“the Word”) Who was “creator of all things… without Him was not anything made….”

So, the plan?  The Word was going to become one of the beings (called humans) that He created.  Enter the world through a virgin girl who had never known a man.  Come to the people He created, to perform an operation of rescue that was unheard of prior.  Become them, to save them.  God with us.

What a plan.  What a love.

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

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