Month: October 2021

MOVE 2021

MOVE 2021 Interest Form

I Would Like To: [please make selection(s)]

Support Families for Backing The Brave

Support Families for Backing The Brave: Please complete the following information and submit

Ways to Serve: There are many ways you can support our military families during deployments and emergencies. How would you be willing to support our military families?
*As a Backing the Brave support family, you would be paired with a Fruit Cove military family. Your main role would be to keep in touch with the family so that when needs arise, you can offer prayer support and encouragement, as well as work with our leadership team and other volunteers to help meet those needs.

Backing The Brave Military Family

Backing The Brave Military Family: receive support & encouragement from Fruit Cove Baptist church members, please respond to the following and submit.

Please List Spouse and Children with their Birthdays (MM/DD/YEAR)


Welcome to Fruit Cove! We're excited to help you take your next step. Choose from the options below.