Month: October 2018

Hurricane Matthew

Yesterday morning, hundreds of thousands of our neighbors to the west awoke to view the devastation of their homes, their businesses, church buildings, and all the things that make life familiar and comfortable. In less than 24 hours, their world changed. Some for weeks or months; others may never return to normal.

As assessments continue to be made concerning the extent of the damage in the panhandle of Florida and beyond, we respond prayerfully for the lives impacted by this horrific storm. Soon, however, we will be called upon to mobilize and assist the Disaster Relief efforts that have already begun to some degree. You will be asked, in the near future, to volunteer time, effort and finances to help rebuild.

This is the time for us to show the state of Florida and the nation what the Body of Christ really is. By your response with us to this disaster, we can minister to the hurting and those who have lost so much in property and livelihood. We can show up and be the hands and feet of Jesus in this time.

Please consider giving generously to Florida Baptist Disaster relief to assist in the rebuilding of the panhandle. This wonderful ministry is already on the ground preparing meals, providing shelter, and giving hope to the thousands of lives impacted yesterday. And when the call comes, please prayerfully consider going with a team for a few days or longer if possible to put feet to our faith. There will be opportunities for trained and untrained volunteers.

It is our time to serve. It is our time to show our God is greater….even than the worst of storms and the darkest of days.


Someday is Today…

Someday is Today…

… because “someday” is not a day of the week. Why do we procrastinate? Why do we hesitate when God calls us? Why are we afraid of change? True, it is awkward and uncomfortable to be out of our normal routine, living space, daily comforts or privileges. We fear failure, embarrassment, mediocrity or even danger.

Have you ever said to yourself, “I’ll do that someday”…

But WHEN, my friends, is “someday”?! It is not on any calendar I’ve ever seen, yet I am one of the world’s best (worst?) procrastinators. The column for “someday” is always full, and I look forward to it, mostly.

So then what will it take to face the risk of erasing the header for “someday” and move those tasks/activities to a real day? I love my planner. I decorate it with stickers, Bible verses, pencil-in appointments and work schedules alongside fun activities and weekly to-dos. It is pretty, organized, neat and helpful.

But what about when God says “Go”, or “Stay” ? What happens when life’s “somedays” suddenly arrive today? Remember Jonah, who avoided God’s plan. He ran from his “today”, when God called, in hopes that it would become a “someday”! We all know how that plan ended…a lesson learned the hard way to say the least.

“THIS is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

  • Take the opportunity to try something new.
  • When the call is a clear, don’t hesitate in trusting Gods plan.
  • Use your talents, don’t listen to Satan’s discouraging words.
  • Erase the “somedays” from your calendar…the blessings don’t live there either!

Proverbs 27:1     Matthew 6:34     James 4:14

In Christ,

Kelley Warne

Ladies, please join into a discussion by commenting below: What “someday” are you going to commit to the Lord TODAY?


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