Author: GwenDavis

A Final Note: The Illuminated Path

The Psalmist, wrote, “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your Presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. (Psalm 16:11)

“The Light” first appeared on my path in 1970 when I said yes, to Jesus. Although, I didn’t realize at that time the enormity of how that “yes” would impact my life.  Now, looking back almost 50 years, I am both humbled and astonished at the life God planned and purposed for me, His daughter.

God’s Word has been that guiding beacon on my life journey. This is not to say that the path was without twists and turns, trials and uncertain terrain.  There were mountains to climb that sometimes seemed insurmountable and deep valleys of the soul that felt so dark that it would appear to obscure the light…but His sufficiency never dimmed.

His promises are many and have never failed me. He gives understanding, enlightenment through the Spirit of Truth, wisdom, strength, hope and faith as I trust Him along the way. His Word, that is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path leads me. (Psalm 119:105); My God who turns my darkness into light, and keeps my lamp burning, (Psalm 18:28) also carried me when my feet stumbled and the path seemed too difficult.

In the desert places, He provided springs of living water that refreshed my soul, and He raised up a mighty fortress where I found refuge along the way from my enemy. When I was fearful or anxious, I could lie down in safety and peace and find rest for both my body and my soul in the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91)

I know that I’m  never alone, He has given me strength as well as “Joy” for the journey and assures me that I won’t grow weary or faint, but He will strengthen me, give me help and hold me with His mighty right hand (Isaiah 40, 41). He has certainly been My “Way” and “Truth” and my “Light”.

Now these many years later, as I look back, I can rejoice in remembering how I’ve seen each and every life challenge met by way of His life giving Word.

There were also treasures along my path; found in those who walked with me and beside me at different times and in specific seasons. These special individuals came at just the right time with words of encouragement, in the form of teachers and pastors, sisters who bound up my wounds and broken heart in seasons of grief. There were family and friends who celebrated my accomplishments and so many others who walked with me and partnered together in ministry as we sought to make Jesus visible and known.

It has been such a privilege to serve the women of FCBC for the past 14 years as the Women’s Ministry Director. I could not have imagined that God would allow me to serve Him in this capacity. It has been such an honor to lead you and to partner with you for His Kingdom.

As I retire in a few short months, I’m excited to see what new assignments God will tuck into my heart as I continue to run the race marked out for me, on this amazing “illuminated path” where my God is always more than enough!

With Much Love,


Someday is Today…

Someday is Today…

… because “someday” is not a day of the week. Why do we procrastinate? Why do we hesitate when God calls us? Why are we afraid of change? True, it is awkward and uncomfortable to be out of our normal routine, living space, daily comforts or privileges. We fear failure, embarrassment, mediocrity or even danger.

Have you ever said to yourself, “I’ll do that someday”…

But WHEN, my friends, is “someday”?! It is not on any calendar I’ve ever seen, yet I am one of the world’s best (worst?) procrastinators. The column for “someday” is always full, and I look forward to it, mostly.

So then what will it take to face the risk of erasing the header for “someday” and move those tasks/activities to a real day? I love my planner. I decorate it with stickers, Bible verses, pencil-in appointments and work schedules alongside fun activities and weekly to-dos. It is pretty, organized, neat and helpful.

But what about when God says “Go”, or “Stay” ? What happens when life’s “somedays” suddenly arrive today? Remember Jonah, who avoided God’s plan. He ran from his “today”, when God called, in hopes that it would become a “someday”! We all know how that plan ended…a lesson learned the hard way to say the least.

“THIS is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

  • Take the opportunity to try something new.
  • When the call is a clear, don’t hesitate in trusting Gods plan.
  • Use your talents, don’t listen to Satan’s discouraging words.
  • Erase the “somedays” from your calendar…the blessings don’t live there either!

Proverbs 27:1     Matthew 6:34     James 4:14

In Christ,

Kelley Warne

Ladies, please join into a discussion by commenting below: What “someday” are you going to commit to the Lord TODAY?

Busyness is not a Fruit of the Spirit

Busyness is not a Fruit of the Spirit


“How are you, friend?” My reply: “Busy, SO busy.”

Why do we always default to responding to our friends, family or acquaintances that we are “so busy”, as if this is an enviable state of being, a spiritual gift or a Fruit of the Spirit. (It is certainly NOT, sisters!) Sometimes we say it with pride and accomplishment, other times we respond in resentment or defeat. Our culture has encouraged the pace and content of our days to be an ever – increasing race to fit in every activity, job, appointment, hobby or social event.

We compare ourselves to others and pack our schedules so full that sometimes we are ready to run away from our own lives! So we take a much needed break. Many of you have heard, or even used, the phrase “I need a vacation from my vacation” after returning from a break intended for rest and relaxation.

Ladies, why do we push ourselves to the edge of sanity to reach unrealistic expectations?

  • What does God expect of us?
  • Who can we look to as an example of how to spend our time? How to keep a balance?
  • Remember Lydia of Macedonia? After being baptized by Paul, she faithfully hosted missionaries while maintaining a thriving business and taking care of her family? She still found strength for hospitality and blessed others. Whenever we can…say “yes” to serving God and pray for opportunities to show His love. (Acts 16:14-15)

  •  Remember Mary of Bethany (Lazarus’ sister) who sat at the feet of Jesus when Martha was working so hard in the kitchen to prepare a meal? Whenever we can…sit like Mary, and listen for Jesus. (Luke 10:38-42)

  • One of my favorite authors Lysa Terkhurst (of Proverbs 31 Ministries) said, “We run at break neck pace to try and achieve what God wants us to slow down enough to receive.

  • In a January sermon series (God and Your Stuff) Pastor Tim said “God cannot put His eternal riches (blessings) in hands that are already full…God says ‘I want to fill you with things that are eternally good’…but first we have to let go.” Even though he was referring to our tithing, I really connected with this message in a way that relates to all the meaningless things that we hold onto in life. We must raise open hands upward to receive.

Let’s make it a point this summer to prioritize our schedules.

Serve, rest, receive, let go… Say “no” when we should… Say “yes” when we can.

We can start by choosing to be present with our loved ones, connecting with friends and neighbors, putting down technology and social media distractions…and asking God to help us hear Him in the midst of our self-driven chaos. Make the time. God is waiting for us to take a moment with Him to enjoy His presence.

Take off the badge of busyness and receive the spirit of peace.

In Christ,

Kelley Warne

Ecclesiastes 4:6 Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing the wind.

Psalm 46:10  Be still and know that I am God.

Psalm 29:11  The Lord gives strength to his people; The Lord Blesses His people with peace.

Proverbs 11:25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.





Ladies Retreat 2015

Make your plans to attend the 2015 Ladies Retreat!

September 25-27, 2015
Epworth by the Sea
St. Simon’s Island, GA

Registration Begins: Monday, January 5, 2015
Retreat Registration Cost:$40 (Non-Refundable but is Transferable)
Room Cost/Payment Options: Cost depends on room choice and number of roommates.
Cost Includes: 2 nights and 6 meals

Angie SmithGuest Speaker: Angie Smith

Women around the world feel as though they’re lifelong friends with Angie and most of them have never met her in person. They’ve come to know Angie through her transparent, warm, and witty blog, Bring the Rain. It began as the story of her fourth daughter Audrey’s brief life and became an opportunity to combine Angie’s two greatest passions: helping to heal people’s hearts and writing. Angie is the wife of Todd Smith (lead singer of Dove Award-winning group, Selah) and best selling author of I Will Carry You, What Women Fear, Mended, Chasing God and two children’s books.

You don’t want to miss this fun retreat with praise and worship music, group breakout sessions, teaching, food, fun and girlfriend time!

For more information and to register stop by the Women’s Ministry table at Bldg. B on Sunday’s beginning January 11, 2015 or stop by or call the church office at 287-0996.

SPACE IS LIMITED! Reserve your rooms as soon as possible!




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