The Road to the Cross 03

We are reeling as a nation again from one of the worst, mass murders in our history. Sadly, it seems like we are making that statement every, other week. The sorrow and pain of families to our south in Parkland, Florida, is beyond comprehension or explanation.

It is… and I’ve heard the term frequently in reference to this… senseless. From our view, it is. It makes no sense that computes for us. It is a sorrow and horror that defies our sensibilities and sense.

Pain often comes packaged the same way. We can’t explain it. We don’t understand it. This morning, I stood with a family in our own church trying to grasp the news of a young, adult man killed in a car accident.

It dares us… it defies us… sometimes it mocks us as we try to “get it.” Usually the effort is futile. Much of the pain we experience in life is “out of our pay grade” to explain or understand.

What we know is that God understands that which cannot be understood or explained. We try in vain to place blame: “It was the devil.” “It was an act of God.” (Just for the record-a mass shooting is not an act of God).

And while pain is just a part of living life in a broken, fallen world… it is not something that God is immune from. We have to understand that, from the ground up… everyone on Golgotha’s Hill on Passover Friday in AD 33, saw a senseless, inexplicable, violent act perpetrated against the only totally, innocent person who ever lived.

At the time at least, it had no explanation that we could see. The Man, who was also God, cried out, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?”

I don’t know all that was packed into that question. I do know that, even in midst of doing the will of God, bad things… pain, pressure, suffering… may accompany us.
This doesn’t mean God is not in control. He is. It doesn’t mean God doesn’t understand. He does.

But in the meantime, until WE can understand… we wait, and we trust.

And as we do, we know we cling to the One who will right all injustice, erase all tears, end all suffering.

And more than that… He clings to us. Amen.


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