The Portrait of Grace
We have all had the experience of standing before a great masterpiece of art; a painting or sculpture, that is regarded as moving or classic. Perhaps you’ve seen a Monet, or you’ve viewed a classic sculpture by Michelangelo in a foreign country. No matter what we have created as human beings, no work of art surpasses the greatness of the portrait painted on Mt Calvary the day that Jesus was crucified: a portrait of grace.
Consider the canvas. The canvas on which this portrait of grace was painted was an old rugged cross. Two pieces of wood intersected to serve as the instrument of death and suffering and shame on which our Savior died for OUR sins.
Consider the subject. The subject of this portrait is the sinless Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. On that cross Jesus was nailed and hung to die as His lifeblood flowed away. He died an agonizing (literally an excruciating…”out of the cross”) death. He died that death may die that day with Him and for all who would come to believe in Him.
Consider the painter. Who is responsible for this portrait? Who would dare sign his name to such a work? The artist was none other than God. He painted this picture. He showed us in the flesh of His only begotten son how deeply He loves us. He painted this portrait with the spotless blood of His beloved and perfect Son.
Have you ever allowed the impact of this portrait to sink into your soul? Are you aware that it was painted for YOUR salvation? Have you ever asked the author to forgive your sins and enter your life? He’ll save you today if you will “confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.” That’s the reason the portrait was painted. That’s the reason the Son of God suffered and bled and died.
The portrait of grace was painted…for you.