
Lacey VanDoran

Associate Worship Leader


Lacey Van Doran is first and foremost a dedicated wife and proud mother of three amazing daughters. Her journey with faith began early, at age 7 when she accepted Jesus and got baptized; Jesus has been the cornerstone of her life ever since.  Music became a huge part of her life starting at age 15 when she unwrapped a guitar on Christmas morning.  Immediately it ignited a passion that led her to lead worship for her youth group. She spent her college years at the University of Florida here he continued to develop her musical skills playing alongside other worship leaders and musicians at church and coffee shops while also writing worship songs.

After graduating, Lacey found herself fully immersed in the vibrant community of West Palm Beach, working as a full-time worship leader. Eventually, her journey led her to settle in Jacksonville, Florida, where her family discovered their church home at Fruit Cove Baptist Church in 2016. Initially, Lacey began as a volunteer in Kids Worship on Sundays, but over time her role transitioned.

In 2020 Lacey began volunteering as middle and high school worship leader and mentor at Fruit Cove Baptist, while also maintaining an active role with Ascension Worship. And now, since 2022, she has had the incredible privilege of serving on staff at Fruit Cove Baptist Church as the Worship Leader for the Middle School Band, High School Band, and Adult Services.


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