Overcoming Anxiety 09
In this final post on our Overcoming Worry series, let me re-emphasize a couple of things. First, let’s remember that the purpose of this section of Scripture in Philippians 4 has to do with finding peace. We read in verse 5 that “the peace of God” will stand guard over our hearts as we bring our requests to Him with thanksgiving. In verse 9, Paul said, “if you will do these things the God of peace will be with you.” So we see the promise of peace bracketing the thoughts we are looking at.
Second, remember that “inspiration does not equal transformation.” We cannot just know what the Bible says… we have to do something about it. We can know all there is to know about a piano or guitar, but at some point we have to sit down and attempt to play! In the same way, knowing the places in the Bible that point to God’s promises of peace is an important thing, but not enough to make a change in us unless we PRACTICE what we know!
Third, remember that it is essential that we go beyond simply reading and even studying the Scriptures, and do what the Bible says about it: We must meditate on God’s truth, or it remains simply an academic exercise.
As we read the Bible, we learn there are four things we should learn to meditate on constantly. We should meditate on:
- The WONDERS of God. This is God’s character and nature and Person. We know God personally as we allow the wonder of who He is soak into our souls.
- The WORKS of God. The works of God are the works of His hands… His creation. But more, it is also remembering the works of God in salvation and redemption. This is where we reflect and meditate on the grace of God and His offer of eternal life through Jesus.
- The WORD of God. The Word of God is what God has said… what He has spoken through His Word. We meditate on His laws, His precepts, and His promises as we do this. We fill our mind with His thoughts, as Paul outlines in Philippians 4:9… Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable… if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about these things.
- The WAYS of God. This is where we think about the ways in which God deals with us… often mysterious and unexpected… but always with His glory and our good in mind. We reflect on the ways of God which are “higher than our ways.”
When we meditate on these things, we will begin to be transformed as our minds are renewed by His truth and as our hearts are surrounded by His peace! And there will be little room for the roots of anxiety to grow in our hearts.
- Pick one of the four areas above to meditate on for the next seven days. Let God lead you to the places in the Bible that reinforce and deepen your awareness of Him in your life.
- Look for ways to integrate meditation into your daily routine; your drive to work… your walk or jog in the evening… as you are laying down at night.
- Expectantly wait for the “GOD OF PEACE” to be with you as your meditate on His presence more and more continuously. Our lives will be changed by His truth and His presence as we do!