We don’t always know how to pray as we should. While the Holy Spirit prompts us (reminds us) to pray, He also walks with us as we do so. Sometimes we get “stuck” at the point of not knowing how to form the right words to pray. And yet, at the deepest level, there are those times when the Holy Spirit prays not only with us but FOR us with “groans that cannot be uttered.” (Romans 8:26-27)

There are those moments when live caves in and the depth of crisis is so great that words fail us… we cannot find a way to verbally express either our pain or our need. But even then we are not alone.

At the same time the Son of God is our High Priest who is always interceding for us. “We do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weakness.” (Hebrews 4:14) It is amazing to realize that God the Son who prayed so tenderly and wonderfully before His passion and death for us, continues that ministry of interceding. He is “ever interceding” for us before God’s throne of grace. We don’t have to ever wonder if someone is praying. He always is. (Read John 17)

But we realize, third, that the Father is prompting us to pray. We would not even think to pray were it not for the sovereign work of God within us, reminding us that we need to come to Him and “ask, seek, and knock.” (Luke 11:10) He commands prayer but also gives us the grace to be persistent as we pray.

In other words, our Triune God is actively at work in the prayer life of His saints. He does not leave us to figure it out on our own. It’s too important that we get this right! So, like a loving father teaching a child to walk, our Father prompts us… energizes us… cheers us on… strengthens us inwardly with His power… and stands with us.

“If God is for us, Who can be against us?” (Romans 8:39)

FOR REFLECTION: Today try to offer God a wordless prayer. Close your eyes and imagine what Jesus might be praying for you right now.


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