How Netflix Keeps Me from Sharing the Gospel with My Children at Home
Actually, Netflix is not the only thing. I have created a list, in an attempt to repent of the things that keep me from preaching the gospel at home. I am sharing this list in the hope that it will encourage you and lead you to repentance in areas that keep you from sharing the gospel at home.
- The Big Fat TV. Netflix, Hulu, iTunes, ESPN, HGTV, NFL network, Monday Night Football, College Gameday, Movies, The Office, Breaking Bad until I finished it. How pathetic is it that I can allow the above devices and programs keep me from sharing the gospel at home. How pathetic is it that the list is so long. How pathetic is it that in the end none of that will truly matter. Lord, forgive me for making things that do not matter, matter.
- Football. Games, fantasy, college, pro, a different favorite group of teams at each level; Friday night, Saturday and Sunday after church; checking scores, checking standings, checking statistics; watching pre-game, post-game and mid-week reports. If I am not careful I can allow it to consume me. Lord, forgive me when I make football and idol and allow it to blur my focus. Lord, remind me daily that sharing the gospel is greater that any football game could ever be.
- Tired. I carry these titles: Husband, Father, Pastor, Employee, Student, Preacher, Guest Preacher, Bill Payer, Yardman, Coach, Teacher, etc.… I am not alone and I know more people who wear more hats. But the hat I should wear first and foremost is Herald. A Herald of the gospel. And I must herald that gospel at home first! Lord, forgive me when I fall short of this.
- Selfishness. I just want to sit there, read the paper, watch CNN, read a book, and go fishing by myself. There are times I do not want to be “bothered” by others. There are times I want to be left alone. Lord, forgive me for the times that my own selfishness takes precedence over your gospel.
- Laziness. Sometimes I would rather do nothing, literally nothing. Just be, just breathe, just exist, and just be quiet. Lord, help me in times of laziness to know that I do not have time to be lazy.
- I get flat out busy. Much of my business is keeping my children busy. From soccer practice, to basketball practice, to church the constant shuffle of kids along with feeding, cleaning and laundry. Most of this my wife doing… When I am too busy I begin to believe the lie that I will make time tomorrow to do what is most important. Share the gospel with my kids. Lord help me to not get lost in my business. Lord help me to place priority on sharing your gospel with my children even in the midst of business.
- “They do that at church.” It is not the church’s role to share the gospel with my children, it is my role as their father. Salvation, discipleship and worship should all at the very least begin at home and very often occur at home. Taking my kids to church should be the reinforcement of what is taking place at home, NOT where the only conversations about the gospel take place. In my experience most children do not hear the gospel at church enough anyway. Lord, help me to see that sharing the gospel at home, not expecting the church to do it, is what you have called me to.
- It is easier to place emphasis on ministering to others. I have family members that need the gospel. I have neighbors that need the gospel. I have friends I have met, and people at church that I serve that need the gospel. Lord, help me to see that my first ministry is to my family. Lord, help me not be so hypocritical that I only focus outside my home.
- Sin. My sin makes me lazy, selfish and complacent. My sin causes me to value things differently. My sin causes me to place importance on the wrong things. My sin tells me lies that I believe. Lord, help me not to be blinded my own sin.
- Some days I don’t believe the gospel. Some days I wake up and don’t believe the gospel and do not take the time to remind myself of the gospel. Lord, on the days I do not believe you are better and do not believe your gospel, remind me of Romans 5:8. Lord, remind me that you took my place.
Lord, forgive me for any instance in which I place any activity, any sin, any device before sharing the gospel with anyone. Lord, help me to embrace my first ministry: to share the gospel often in my home.
– Josh
Josh Glymph is the Youth Pastor at Fruit Cove Baptist Church. You can reach him at