Hallelujah!! He is Risen indeed!
He is Risen!
Those three words have reverberated through time and will continue to do so in eternity. He is Risen!
The hopeless now have hope….the displaced now have a home…the prodigal has a pathway back. He is Risen!
Death has lost its icy grip on the soul of mankind. Those who “all their lives have lived in captivity to the fear of death” are set free by the power of those three words. He is Risen!
The sinner can be forgiven….the sacrifice has been accepted…the blood has been spilt…sin has been covered. He is Risen!
The failure gets a new beginning. The blind receive their sight. The lame can dance. The deaf can hear…the mute can sing. He is Risen!
Satan has lost to the One Who holds the keys to Hell and Death…and now he will find his destiny in the flame and smoke of the abyss alongside the demonic forces at his command. He is Risen!
In those victorious words lay our victory as well….we are “risen with Christ” to walk in new life. He is Risen!
And with the saints and the church throughout the ages we agree: Hallelujah!! He is Risen indeed!