Devotional 01/02/17

Pressing Forward
A New Year is always exciting. It is a time to begin again for many: diets that have been blown up over Christmas; recommitments made between couples; some beginning school or a new job. It’s always fun for me to get a new calendar and just spend a little time imagining what the year ahead will hold.
Like you, I’ve learned that starting is easier than finishing. It’s easy to begin a diet or an education or a marriage or a new business. It is not easy to finish. And the process of getting from beginning to end can be grueling.
Paul spoke of the Christian life as a race, an Olympic event, to be precise. He had obviously had opportunity to watch the games as they unfolded in his day. The runners captured his attention.
He used that image to describe the nature of the Christian life. We are in a race. All run, he said. “So run, as to gain the prize.” He also described the moment the runner crosses the finish line. He used the word; “press toward” the finish line. In that word is the sense of “straining forward.” “Leaning in with anticipation” is another way to think of it.
What are you “straining toward” in 2017? Are you “leaning in” with anticipation for?
Praying with you for a wonderful 2017 and great things to “lean into” as your new year unfolds!

I do not count myself to have apprehended it but this one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and pressing forward to what is ahead.  Philippians 3:13

What is the “one thing” that you are straining toward this year?

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