Category: Advance 20/20

Leadership 31 – Advance 2020

Note: The following was shared yesterday with the Fruit Cove Baptist congregation

By the year 2020, I would like for Fruit Cove Baptist to attempt to follow Jesus’ Great Commission in the following ways:

  1. By having 2,020 in attendance. We can accomplish this through an intensification of our evangelism (expansion) and our discipleship (deepening) efforts. These numbers will include on and off campus attendance totals.
  2. By launching and supporting multi-campus ministry sites located in the growth corridors around us (e.g. Rivertown and Aberdeen) These will reflect diverse worship styles and will be staffed with worship teams and campus pastors. These properties may be purchased, leased or rented for use.
  3. By partnering in the planting of 20 new churches in St Johns, Florida; North America; Haiti and Cuba. (This number to include those with whom we are already partnering and will not include churches we currently support through Cooperative Program giving).
  4. By participating in the revitalization of 20 declining and dying churches in the Jacksonville Baptist Association (JBA). These will include churches we are already partnering with in conjunction with JBA through coaching and consultation as well as one-on-one revitalization agreements.
  5. By maintaining an amount equivalent to 20% of our church budget total through Cooperative Program and Great Commission giving to reach the nations. This total will include budgeted amounts and items outside of normal budget offering given (e.g. Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong offerings)
  6. By developing a Family Enrichment and Counseling network to serve families in our community related to mental health, crisis counseling and enrichment ministries. The ministry will include the Celebrate Recovery ministry also.

This will be a challenging goal in roughly a 3 ½ year window. It will require God’s supply to make it a reality. And it will require the best we have to give of our time, our energy, our enthusiasm, our encouragement and our prayers. This is not all inclusive list of every program, nor of everything I would like to see us accomplish. This is basically a growth strategy and not a thorough-going ministry plan that will surround and grow up around Fruit Cove as we work together toward these goals. But hopefully we can together rally around this plan to move forward and become all that God wants us to be… for such a time as this!

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