The Path to Christmas 19

I have notoriously messed with some Christmas traditions in my time at Fruit Cove. Some of you have stopped sending me Christmas cards because you’re afraid I’ll critique the picture on the front! But seriously, I’m just kidding with you (well, about some of it). One year, Godzilla was present in our nativity scene, thanks to our son and his love of all things dinosaur.

For instance, most of us have the three wise men depicted in our nativity scenes. It’s ok. I’m pro-wise man. But let’s remember, there is nothing in the Bible that says there were three. When they arrived in Jerusalem, they shook up the city and the king! There could have been a virtual army that accompanied them. And the Bible also doesn’t say that they made it to the manger Christmas Eve. In all likelihood they were two years late for the birth of Jesus… but just in time to bring gifts that would help Mary and Joseph keep Jesus away from Herod’s madness.

And… sorry again… angels didn’t sing. They spoke. They “said.” They spoke in chorus. But from the fall of man to the coming of Heaven down to earth in Revelation, the Bible does not record any angels singing. Just saying.

Now the good news is, your nativity is safe. But many of our Christmas carols aren’t. We sing. Angels don’t… yet. But one day they will again. We will hear angel voices blanketing a New Earth as King Jesus is enthroned and reigning.

Until then, we will be content to hear the angels speak. But how sweet will be the sound when we hear them sing!

And suddenly a multitude of the heavenly host appearing saying, “Glory to God in the highest….” Luke 2:13 & 14a

God of Angel Armies, we long for the day when we will hear as You hear now, the angelic chorus singing the truth of Your majesty and greatness. May we be faithful with our voices to “fill the gap” until that day we join our voices with theirs in an endless chorus of praise to You. In our Lord’s great Name we pray, Amen.


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