2016 Middle School Mission Trip to Tampa

Tampa was a great experience for our students! Many of them had not interacted too much with people of different socioeconomic backgrounds and of different belief systems. Tampa is a very liberal area, and the students were amazed at how so many people did not care about God or want to talk about him. Some of the people our students encountered were even hostile to the gospel of Jesus. Nonetheless, our students continued to share the gospel with others in spite of their fears and apprehensions.

On Sunday we took the students to a local city park where they were holding the VegFest. This was a festival for vegans, vegetarians, animal rights activists, and pet adoption agencies. None of these things are necessarily bad, but the majority of people at this event were very liberal and even anti-Christian. Our students handed out fliers for a brand new church that started in this community only 6 months ago. Monday morning the pastor of this little church let me know they had 2 visitors from the VegFest and one of them gave their life to Christ!  Praise God that he used our students to make a difference for eternity!

Take a moment and view this video review of the weekend!

MSMTAMPA from Fruit Cove Youth Leaders on Vimeo.

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