21st Century Parenting #7

Yesterday I saw her for the first time. Not in skin. Not in color. Not yet. But on a screen in black and white during an ultrasound. My granddaughter, McCail Violet. The little world-changer… at least for our family. I’ll bet she could be President, but that’s for another blog.


I watched in the dim light of the exam room as the technician deftly moved the instrument to view different aspects of her little body. Amazing. Little toes. Strong heartbeat. A profile that looked one moment like my son and another like her mother, Logan. Think I could detect a little of her Mamaw in her profile too, as she stood busily taking pictures of the little life wiggling on the screen to save in her iPhone.


And as I stood by, trying to stay out of the way, I glanced at my son, the proud father of McCail, his firstborn. He watched the screen intently. He’s taken one parenting class, so he is now an expert… well, he soon will be. I watched him as he viewed with awe the baby on the screen and alternated with protective looks toward his wife.


So, I’m guilty. I said with confidence, “When I become a grandfather (if I do) I’m not going to be one of those annoying, nutty, bragging, over-indulgent types.” But in my defense, I didn’t know. Now, my bedroom has a crib waiting for little McCail Violet’s first visit. I walk by it and imagine what she will look like lying there. My garage has me stepping around a baby stroller and car seat. My mancave has baby toys and books filling the corners… waiting for MY granddaughter to come and play with her Poppey. (Poppie. Popi. Not sure yet.)


No words can describe the sense of seeing your children’s children getting ready to come into the world. It’s an incredible experience, so alike and yet unlike the birth of your children. I’m still not sure what I felt yesterday in that room, looking at the little life on the Vizio screen in front of me and wondering what her life will be. In six weeks she will be here. And the adventure begins!


And I can’t wait to meet her.

FOR MEMORIZATION: I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works.             Psalm 139:14

FOR REFLECTION: The glory of God is seen in the life of every child born. As we become parents or grandparents, we are stewards of that glory. Pray that you might be faithful in that stewardship of a life.


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