The Way They Should Go

When we begin to teach our children as they are very young our “lessons” tend to be very practical: “How to” tie your shoe. “When to” say please or thank you. “How to” spell hard words

As they grow older the lessons become more complex. “How to” drive. “How to” pick a major in college. “How to” know when we’re really in love

But much larger and more important questions must also be undertaken by parents who wish to see their children embrace the faith:

  • WHERE did we come from?
  • WHY are we here?
  • WHERE are we going?

These questions loom large in our lives and we will seek and we will find answers, though not always the right ones

Don’t allow this present world to squeeze your children into its mold (Roman 12:1-2). Teach them. Answer these questions from the Bible’s perspective and you will set their lives on the right path.

A Christian worldview will inform almost every decision your child makes. Be certain they hear the truth from you first.

And then, when they are old, they will not leave the way they should go.

Start with the three questions above. You will never be sorry they heard it first from you!


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