This Week At Fruit Cove

Check back here often to find out what’s happening this week, next week, and into the future at Fruit Cove! 

Romania Mission Trip Interest Meeting

Ready for an adventure? Learn all about our mission trip to Romania, happening mid to late June 2025. Join us on December 8 after the 11:00 Worship Service/Connect Group hour in Building A-106 at 12:15 pm. Meet John and Rebecca Worthington, our team leaders. Meeting is quick, just 30 minutes. See you there!

Christmas at Fruit Cove

As we approach the holiday season, we have some wonderful events lined up at Fruit Cove to help you embrace the spirit of Christmas and celebrate the birth of our Savior!
    A Christmas Night of Worship led by Fruit Cove KIDS.

  • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11th at 6:30 PM
    The Women’s Ministry “Prepare Him Room” event at 6:30 PM.

  • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22nd at 9:30 & 11:00 AM
    December 1st, 22nd, and 29th are dedicated to Family Worship in our Worship Center.

    Christmas Eve services at 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00 PM.

Christmas Night of Worship

Celebrate the spirit of the season with us at the Christmas Night of Worship, guided by the talented Fruit Cove KIDS and Preschool! Join us on Sunday, December 8, at 6:00 PM in the Worship Center for a magical evening of song and celebration—perfect for the whole family!

Prepare Him Room

Join us on December 11 for Jennifer Rothschild’s Prepare Him Room Virtual Event and make space to seek Jesus amid the season. Throughout the event, you’ll be immersed in an atmosphere of Worship, encouragement, and teaching that will inspire you to create room in your heart, home, and community for the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Join us as we celebrate our Savior’s birth, embrace the true meaning of Christmas, and prepare Him room. You’ll never be the same!

Discover Lunch

Are you new to our church or thinking about joining? Come to the Discover Lunch on December 15th at 12:15 PM in ROC-Fellowship Hall. Pastor Heath and the staff will discuss our core commitments and the next steps for involvement. Enjoy a light lunch and bring your little ones—childcare is available for ages five and under. Mark your calendar!

Australia Mission Trip Interest Meeting

Our newest church plant partners in Sydney have asked for a team to come help with their Holiday Kids Club (VBS) in July. Come to the Australia Mission Trip Interest Meeting on December 15, in A-106 after the 11am Worship and Connect Group hour. This is your opportunity to learn more and see how you can help. See you there!

Family Worship

Calling all families! December 22nd, and 29th are dedicated to Family Worship in our Worship Center. Let’s celebrate the joy of the season together—no Connect Groups, just pure family fellowship. We’re excited to see you all there!

Join Our Team

Weekday Preschool Director: We’re looking for a new Weekday Preschool Director to join our team! For details and a job description, please click below.

Maintenance Associate: Fruit Cove Baptist Church is seeking a Maintenance Associate to serve on the Maintenance Support Staff. This position seeks to undergird and support the church’s mission to make disciples by providing a sanitary, safe, and secure facility, buildings, and grounds. For details and a job description, please click below.

Ministry Support Receptionist: Fruit Cove Baptist Church is seeking a Ministry Support Receptionist to serve on the Ministry Support team to undergird and support the church’s mission to make disciples.

Giving Update

September YTD Results:

$ 117,128 Surplus (Giving Exceeded Spending)

Click Here to Give

  • September Financials
    • September Giving: $437,327
    • Budget Needed: $503,777
    • Difference: $66, 450 (13 % behind budget need)
  • Year to Date Financials
    • YTD Budget Needed: $3,929,410($139,845, 3.6% behind budget)
    • YTD Giving: $3,789,565
    • YTD Actual Spend: 3,672,437 ($117,128)
    • YTD Expand 2025:  $258,564 (includes 16/16a designated giving)

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