The Supremacy of Christ

“…that He might have first place in everything.” (Colossians 1:18)

Jesus is to have “first place” or “supremacy” in everything! “Everything” extends the supremacy of Christ far beyond any conceivable scope. He deserves to have first place in everything!

First place in our family

First place in our marriage

First place in our profession

First place in our missions and ministry

First place in our thinking

First place in time

First place in love

First place in conversation

First place in pleasure

First place in eating

First place in play

First place in athletics

First place in our entertainment

First place in art

First place in music

First place in worship

First place in living

First place in dying

First place in His body, the church!

“It’s crazy if you think about it. The God of the universe—the God Who created nitrogen and pine needles and E-minor, loves us with a radical, unconditional, and self-sacrificing love. And what is our response? We go to church, sing a couple of tunes, and try not to cuss.” —Francis Chan

What should our response be? We give Him the supremacy in everything!


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