The journey continues
On my spiritual pilgrimage, I took an unplanned and unexpected detour. It landed me “on” Noah’s Ark; an 8,000-ton, 10-story tall, visual aid and argument for the Bible’s description of the worldwide, devastating flood in Genesis. One man in all the world of that day existed who was pleasing to the Lord. The rest of the earth was lost in the death throes of wickedness and violence and sin. God wiped it all out with water… but He preserved Noah and his family from judgement. (Couldn’t help but think a lot about Houston…!)
My brother and sister-in-law suggested we visit the replica, located in Williamstown, Ky. So we drove for three hours and found ourselves thousands of years in the past. As we walked through nearly a mile of displays, each an argument weaving science and Scripture, I was stunningly reminded again of the faithful Father we serve and His willingness to keep His promises. Nobody does it better. Every word He promises will be kept. Every one… from the greatest to the smallest. Jesus said not one word will fail to be accomplished.
Noah’s ark serves as a “visual aid” to help us see how far God will go to keep His promises and His Word. Daniel said, “You always keep your covenant and fulfill your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and obey your commands.” (Dan 9:4 NLT) God is the first and greatest “promise keeper.”
I know His promises kept me afloat in these last months of Pam’s illness and death. And I am still clinging to them for my stability now and for the days ahead. Not one will fail. If you are adrift, hold fast to those promises. I promise they will keep you afloat.
As we drove late yesterday into a partly-cloudy, twilight, Kentucky evening, the sun emerged for one last appearance. And when it did, something else emerged that only God could do… and special effects could not reproduce: In the sky overhead…
…a rainbow.