Thank you Dad

After my recent trip home to the land of my birth and raisin’, I was missing my father.  Always do when I go home.  He went home now 13 years ago this month.  But the sights, smells, and memories of home bring him back to me during those trips.  After I returned to Florida, my brother Mark posted the following on Facebook:

You never know what you do or say will mean to someone’s life. Here is EXHIBIT A for TODAY:
A gentleman visited me in my office today and shared how my dad’s influence changed his life. He worked with DAD at Wheeler Williams Hardware and his life, at the time, wasn’t where it should be. DAD talked with him, shared with him and even took him and his wife to a REDS GAME. Those talks, that influence, those acts of kindness eventually manifested itself when he came under conviction. He said while we all have to live our own lives, he wanted to model his after DAD if he could. Today he’s a preacher in the area and influencing lives himself. His wish is that DAD could see him today and see how his influence impacted him. He said he’d wanted to come by and tell me that story for years. He was downtown today and decided to stop in and see me. What a blessing!!! Thank you GARY SALYERS.

It made me profoundly proud, again, to have had a father who lived what he believed and who wasn’t ashamed of the Gospel.  He lived it, sang it, spoke it, and practiced it everywhere he went.  I did not know about the story Mark told, though I worked with the young man spoken of in the article.  I would have referred to him at the time as a “lost cause.”  But that’s where Dad was at his best.  After all, he raised me.

And I want to be just like him.

Dad, Father's Day, fathers


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