Speak Up
A recent study revealed that most Christian families struggle to talk to their children about matters of faith. Some of that reluctance comes because of a lack of confidence on the part of the parent to engage their children in those conversations.
For others, the topic seems loaded with controversy and challenges that are too daunting to be overcome. These are tragic realities, since the children that hold on to faith after they leave the “nest” are those for whom matters of faith arose frequently and naturally in the home.
But the “awkward silence” of the Christian family, when dealing with ultimate matters of the places where life and faith intersect, is costing these families… and the church… a great deal.
Yes, your children live in a different, more complex environment than you may have grown up in. Yes, your children are forming their own ideas of faith with or without your input. Many choose to reject it as of utmost importance.
And no, it’s not too late to begin. A conversation may take place around an issue that arises at school. Allow your children freedom to ask you hard questions about matters they are facing.
I’m urging conversations with your family… not preaching to them.
For others it may be helpful to have a discussion of Christian themes that come up in popular movies or perhaps watch a Christian-themed movie one evening and talk about how the movie spoke to them about matters of faith.
Or assign a book to be read by each member of the family and then discussed. Allow them to choose the book. Parents, have your children ever heard how you came to believe, or about some event that strengthened or maybe even challenged your faith?
The only wrong approach is to do nothing. Our children need to hear their parent’s thoughts about the most important thing in their lives: Their faith in Jesus. Only by these conversations can we fulfill the mandate of Scripture to “talk about (the Bible, the Lord, His commands) as they walk along the way, as they lie down, and as they get up” as Deuteronomy 6 instructs us to do.
Let’s stop the silence. It’s time to speak up for your faith… beginning in our own homes!
And when the storm does come, your home will be built upon a rock…and ready to withstand