Seven Words of Life – Part 7

The cross of Christ, as horrific as it was, could not be considered a murder and Jesus was not a victim of Roman injustice. He was no victim. He was no helpless pawn.

No, the cross of Christ was the crowning moment of the Savior’s assignment. It was the Father’s affirmation before the cross that Jesus was His Son in whom He was well pleased.

Jesus completed the purpose for which the Father had sent Him. And since the assignment was fulfilled perfectly, it was time for Jesus to release His spirit back to the Father.

Jesus said, “No man takes my life from me… I lay it down.” Jesus was both sacrifice and priest; and now that the sacrificial lamb had been slain, all that remained was for Jesus to go home.

“Into your hands I commit my spirit.” Jesus laid His life down from start to finish. He laid it down as He became an embryonic presence in Mary’s womb. He laid it down as He emptied Himself of eternal glory and refused to cling to equality with God.

He laid it down as He became a Jewish man, a servant, and a human son. He laid it down as He died to Himself in Gethsemane, praying, “not my will but yours be done.”

And he laid it down ultimately on Calvary as “He became sin for us who knew no sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

This final word that Jesus spoke was not a word of defeat but a word of life;

For him as well as for us.

And when he had breathed his last Jesus said, “Father into your hands I commit my spirit.” Luke 23:46

FOR REFLECTION: This Easter season what might God be saying to you about surrendering your life to Him? Jesus laid down His life willingly for you. Will you give your life to Him? You can do this today and begin a new life. Pray:

Father, I surrender all to you. Will you forgive me and make me new? I give my life up for the Savior who died on the cross to forgive my sin. I follow Him gladly.
In Jesus name,


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