Purpose in our Suffering – Part 7
As I sit writing this column today, I am on an international flight bound for Paris. The sounds of multiple languages surround me and I remember that God does not love just Americans. He loves the guy sitting in front of you who fought his seat all night long while you tried to sleep. He loves the kind flight attendants who don’t speak English. He loves the French and the Indian and the Pakistani man and He loves them enough to die for them.
I thought about that as my fellow passenger in front of me slammed into his seat for the tenth time, obviously trying to lay back in my lap. He loves that person. Right now I can’t even manage to like him.
But such is the greatness of our God who loves a world that we may not know about or too often forget. The love of God and the glory of the cross are not limited to our narrow views and ideas, our cultural expression or our heart language.
It is much, much greater
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son….” John 3:16
FOR REFLECTION: Who in your life do you not like but need to learn to love? What will you have to look past to love them?