Expand Our Local Outreach

Wednesday, July 24 | 6:00pm

16/16A Worship & Prayer Gathering 

6351 County Road 16A
St. Augustine, FL 32092

We will be parking on the field using the 16a entrance to the field.  We will have a parking team in place to help direct folks where to park. 


Sunday, July 28 | 12:15pm

Special Called Family Meeting

Fruit Cove Baptist Church Worship Center


  • Recommendation for the Church to establish a necessary 75% super-majority vote requirement to purchase the property on 16 & 16A during the July 28, 2024 Special Called Family Meeting.
  • Recommendation for the Church to purchase the 19.3-acre property on 16 & 16A.

One of Expand 2025’s initiatives states, “By 2025, we will expand our local outreach by opening a new campus/church plant on our Silverleaf property on 16 and 16a.”

The parcel of land our church currently owns is 10 acres. Now, we have an opportunity to expand even more and purchase the adjacent 19.3 acre parcel of land!

Every Home in NW St Johns County

The image below shows 15-minute drive times from our SR 13 campus and the SR 16 campus.

Utilizing the SR 16 location would mean that every home in Northwest St Johns County north of 208, west of I-95, and south of I-295 is within a 15-minute drive of the ministries and impact of the Church.

Current & Future Land

This image shows our church’s current land and the land we are considering purchasing. This video is a flyover video of the properties located just south of the south entrance to SilverLeaf.

Important Dates:

  • Sunday, July 14- Q&A with Committees in Worship Center following the 11 am Worship and Connect Groups Hour
  • Wednesday, July 24- Prayer Gathering  with Pastor Heath and Property Tour at 6pm
  • Sunday, July 28- Special Called Family Meeting for the Purpose of Voting on the Land (12:15 pm in Worship Center)


  • What will we do with the land?
    For many years, our church has wanted to have a presence in this fast-growing part of St Johns County. Options may include: 
    • Developing a second campus or planting a ministry that could eventually become an autonomous church (the model we used for Refuge Church)
    • Expanding the missional ministries of the Church (SportsLife, The Cove Counseling Ministry, Fostering Hope, etc.)
    • Expanding the Christian Education ministries of the Church
    • Establishing strategic partnerships to expand the Church’s impact in St. Johns County
    • Utilizing the land as an investment to further advance the existing mission and ministry of the Church 
    • or a combination of these.

  • What kind of timeline are we working on?
    If the church votes to purchase the property, the target closing date will be on or before August 30, 2024.  The first goal will be to pay off the balance of the loan as quickly as possible while the church begins to prayerfully consider the best options for gospel work in the area.

  • What about the main campus on State Road 13? 
    We continue to see God at work on our SR 13 campus! We are currently working to expand parking and making plans for updates and expansions of our existing facilities.

  • How much is this purchase?
    $5 million. To be paid off as soon as possible. A vote for the purchase of this land, should be considered a commitment to fund this God-sized opportunity.


Click here to begin giving to Expand2025.

Regular tithes and designated contributions can also be managed through Realm. Contact the church office for more information. 


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