One of the privileges people lost when Adam and Eve sinned was the privilege of unhindered, unbroken fellowship with God. Because of their sinless state prior to the Fall, they were able to enjoy face-to-face intimacy with their Creator. Each day they walked together “in the cool of the day.” But among many other things sin broke that relationship, that conversation, that intimacy with God. Adam and Eve cut themselves off from Gods gracious presence. (See Genesis 3:1-6)

But as we pray, a part of that curse is reversed. The last thing the Enemy wants us to know is the potential joy of unbroken, unhindered fellowship with our Creator. Satan desires to sow discord, doubt, and distraction in place of the fellowship we could know in prayer.

As we pray we begin to return to the place God intended us to be…wants us to be. He wants us to draw near to Him that He can draw near to us.

It is there and only there in prayer we can be what He wants us to be. It is there that we can be empowered to live.

It is there we can be…


“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8a)

FOR REFLECTION: As you reflect on the year that has come and gone are you closer to God now or further away?


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