Prayer that Prevails 02
“Men ought always to pray and not grow weary.” (Luke 18:1). Prevailing in prayer is key to success in prayer. There is nothing more important for believers to learn than the lesson of refusing to quit.
Anne Graham Lotz said that her mother, Ruth, taught her children the secret of “praying on the fly.” Prevailing prayer does not mean just that we should not miss our daily appointment with God in our prayer time. It means that, even as our “prayer time” ends, we continue in conversation with our Father.
“Pray without ceasing,” Paul said. It may press the point too far, but prayer is truly as essential to our spiritual life as breathing is to our physical well-being. We do not just stop for a few minutes in the morning, take a couple of deep breaths, and then hold our breath until tomorrow morning. We inhale and we exhale all day long.
Daniel was a prevailing, prayer warrior. He lived a prayer-saturated life and reflected his commitment by entering into a concentrated time of prayer three times a day. But I doubt that was the only time he thought about God or prayed about the culture he lived in and how to live his life in a foreign land.
We pray without ceasing. The key is that we dare not quit. It is our oxygen… our lifeline to Heaven, allowing us to breathe pure, eternal air, not the toxic air of this present world.
FOR MEDITATION: Never stop praying. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
FOR REFLECTION: Remain conscious of moments today when you need to breathe spiritually. Can you find a time, even in the midst of a heavy schedule, to express your heart in prayer? See what a difference it makes!