Advent 2018 – 02
Many things are guaranteed to remind us that Christmas is near: tastes of favorite foods that “only Mom” can make; the sweet, thick taste of Egg Nog (unless you’re drinking the Almond Milk version…which in my opinion is sacrilegious); the smell of fresh pine from trees and wreaths that decorate our homes.
But nothing reaches deep into our memories of holidays past like music. Certain songs that we listen to only between Thanksgiving and Christmas have a mesmerizing power over us. But some songs that we sing in church at Christmas truly deserve a hearing throughout the year.
The Wesley brothers (John and particularly Charles) had a way of cramming so much truth and doctrine into their Christmas carols that we need much more than a month to unpack them. “Joy to the World” is one such song.
Though the melody is simple and memorable, the lyrics are deep and theologically rich in their proclamation of our Lord’s birth. In addition they are evangelistically powerful as every heart is encouraged to “prepare Him room,” in contrast to the calloused innkeeper and apathetic people of Bethlehem. As we read in John 1, “He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.”
Make sure to make room for the Savior in your Christmas celebrations. Sadly, it is as easy to forget Him now as it was on the day of His earthly advent. Many have.
But when you do “prepare Him room,” you will find the truth of the remainder of this majestic carol and the joy that is sometimes absent in our Christmas season. Don’t miss it.
Joy to the World… and joy to you as you receive the Savior.
Prayer: Lord of Heaven and Earth, may many this season find the joy your Son’s birth came to bring. And may those who have received Him share this joy throughout this Christmas season and in the year to come. In Jesus’ name Amen.